Awana Club Rules

  1. You must behave and show respect to the leaders, friends as well as church property.
  2. You must participate in all activities of the club night unless you bring a note from home.
  3. You can only have 2 excuses absences per semester to achieve attendance Awards.
  4. Please be very quiet and listen to instructions whenever you hear leader give “5”counts.
  5. AWANA “3”count rules for individual:
    • 1st strike: a warning
    • 2nd strike: talk with Director or Commander
    • 3rd strike: must sit out for the rest of Awana night and parents are called
  6.   You are expected and encouraged to be in AWANA uniform and wear the name tag.
  7. You are expected and encouraged to bring your bible and handbook to each club night.
  8. Guest of clubber or a visitor may attend 3 times before payment is required to attend again.
  9. No toys from home are allowed.
  10. Do not leave the building without permission of your leaders.
  11. No Awards will be presented the children who do not wear uniform.
  12. Our AWANA Awards night will be on June 5, 2009 during regular club time. All clubbers and leaders will be recognized and awards will be presented. Parents and family members should plan to attend.

Team points guidelines:

Team points are given for :

Ø     Arriving on time (After the Flag Ceremony starts, team points will not be given)

Ø     Bringing handbook and uniform

Ø     Bringing bible ( if you do not have your own bible, please let us know)

Ø     Bringing friend to AWANA

Ø     Each section recited in the Handbook Time

Ø     Attending Sunday School